Friday, September 4, 2009

I have issues...

These are just a couple issues I thought would be interesting to talk/write about.

1. "Hey I know we just met this semester, but would you like to spend the rest of eternity with me?" Some people move way too fast. How about getting to know someone before you propose? Just a suggestion.

2. The "RM label" doesn't stick to everyone. Some steryotypes given to RM's just don't fit the majority.

3. Coed camping: is it okay?

4. Talking while the professor is trying to teach, why is that so hard to stop doing for some people?


  1. 1. I totally agree. People need to remember there are 3 types of love: lust, then impersonal, then personal. And it always goes in that order.

    4. Agreed. I acknowledge that sometimes you need to talk, but really, that hot guy over there can wait till the end of class.

  2. I think coed camping is an interesting topic. I think it falls into the whole "spirit of the law." Depends on the group, place, etc.

  3. Alex I liked the order you put those in! I agree.
