Friday, October 2, 2009
Cake Wrecks!
My favorite section of the Cake Wreck blog( was the section about wedding cakes! It proves that when you are planning on having a nice cake, you need to make sure and research the cake or be willing to pay a little extra. I can only imagine what some of these poor brides were thinking when the cake showed up clearly not looking like what they had requested. Similarly, the cakes that were ordered by brides turned out to be questionable too. Ultimately, this blog does a great job in appealing to many different types of people, and brings humor and laughter throughout the entire set of postings. I am sure that, like many others, I will be grateful for stumbling upon this blog, and be keeping up with it often!
Audience Analysis: J. K. Rowling official website
Stardust: intended to sweep you off your feet.
The site is aimed at movie-goers who like fantasy, a good romance, even adventure. One selected quote from critics is intended to draw young single adults with the claim, "One of the best date movies of the year." The interactive games entice an even younger crowd to become part of the movie itself. Once the intended audience is swept in, they will find desktop background for the computer to continually remind them of the fun they had in watching "Stardust." You can move around the site and "visit" the different locations found in the movie and learn about the characters. For those like myself who enjoy music they have a part that lists the soundtrack. Overall this site has been made to be fun and enjoyable to view.
True Story!
This article is poking fun at PETA and other extreme animal rights activists. In the made up story, many military commandos went out of their way and killed and injured many people for the sake of a rabbit.
It jokingly portrays PETA members and animal rights activists as people who would rather preserve animal life over human life. It also shows PETA members as overzealous and somewhat crazy. This article is intended for people who already think that PETA is a bit crazy or for people who aren’t very familiar with PETA.
This article is not to be taken seriously, so it is written for people who want a good laugh. If there are animal rights activists who stumble upon this story, they should not take offense to this because it is just an exaggeration. However it is understandable if they would feel upset.
Bridal Guide :)
Obama Health Plan
They are attempting to reach all of America, rich and poor, those with and without health insurance. They want to make it clear that everyone will benefit from this change, that it's not just for those who lack sufficient coverage. This is clear through their three-column approach: one listing benefits for those who don't have health insurance, one expressing the benefits for those who already have health care, and a final column for "all Americans" (as if there is some ambiguous group of people out there who somehow fail to fall into the two previous categories. Talk about covering your bases).
Thursday, October 1, 2009
Cinnamon Rolls
Audiance Analysis:
When one first comes into the web site, one would think that they are entering a website devoted to the great works of Martin Luther King Jr. Looking at the subtitles, one can see that it is a informative website because it states that the website gives, “A True Historical Examination” of Martin Luther King. Like many of these informative websites, it targets students by giving them facts and details about the subject. Though, the website is low in quality, the titles it presents will causes a student to click it to learn more about King. But, at the bottom of the page, in very small font, it gives the producer of the website. A group named Stormfront. A white-supremacist group. Seemingly like a informative site, as stated before, Stormfront, uses its website address and its relatively specific subtitles to give it more credibility. By not giving away its political position straightaway, the website and its maker will show you that the website is a legitimate website. The intended audience is an unsuspecting public. After reading what they have read, the website’s makers will have fulfilled their goals of putting questions about Martin Luther King in people’s minds. From the advertisement at the bottom of the page, it seems that the website has not been updated for half a year, but going to its sponsors website, it is a forum for the White Supremacist group, where individuals post daily.
Students Protest at Tehran University
The major intended audience for this news article blog is the Iranian Government. This is a relevant article that was published on September 28, 2009. It relates to both religious, political and educational issues happening in Iran.Students are out protesting against the re-election of President Ahmadinejad, there message: "the green movement is ready for uprising."
Besides the government, activists and Iranian's around the the world would be interested in the political demonstrations taking place in the Iranian Republic. Another major target I believe are the leaders of other countries and citizens pertaining to those countries, in particular democratic nations. The point that the author is trying to convey from the students prospective is that they too want to be a more liberal society and move past what the clergy man say as to pertaining to law.
Because the New York Times is publishing this blog, we can assume that they are striving to get the students' message across the globe and give them political support. "The New York Times is one of the most important paper in the US," according to trivialibrary. Therefore, it deserves credibility. Since the beginning, the newspaper has mostly been affiliated as having liberal political views and great news coverage on issues dealing with religion, law, education and cultural matters.
Where in the World are the Olympics going to be?
Audience Analysis
What would you blend???
This site is kairotic for its time because blenders are always useful. People will always want to buy a blender because they can be used for so many of your kitchen needs. Every newly married couple buys a blender. Anyone can run across this website off of youtubge which is another big hit with people of all ages. This is a website that will attract all ages because of the funness of the series.
There's Hope
The audience is limitless. It doesn't take much of an argument to convince anyone of the tragic events and circumstances effecting the lives of individuals and families worldwide. Everyone needs hope. This website uses personal experiences through writing and video to connect with viewers. Using pathos for a topic such as hope gives viewers the feelings needed in order to move forward and realize success and joy are possible. Not only do viewers get to read examples of other viewers just like them, but also visualize and hear personal stories through video. Using both sight and hearing in different ways deepens pathos, creating hope.