Wednesday, December 2, 2009

How was the blog?

I was a little skeptical at first. Wasn't sure how it was going to work. But overall I thought it was fun. Made the class different from just the normal english class that we're all used to. It helped me realize that the things we learn in english apply to more than just academic papers.
One thing that I didn't like too much about it was the required number of comments. I understand why it has to be that way (I can't honestly say that I would have commented, or read other posts for that matter, if I wasn't required to). But a lot of the time they seemed empty of any real meaning. Too formulaic "I agree with _____" etc. If the posts were on things that everyone would be curious what the other person would say, then they would read and comment easily, but that's the hard part I guess.
Maybe if we had been given an assignment now and then to just write on anything we wanted, it would have made the blog more personal and fun.


  1. I think that it is a good idea to have sporadic comments rather than having them every week. I talked about the comments in my post, too, but I didn't have a good solution.

  2. Dear Kendrick, I have no idea what you are trying to say in your last sentence. Sincerely, Jessie

  3. I agree with Lindsey. Commenting every once in a while would be easier and more useful.
