Wednesday, December 2, 2009


Having a blog for an English class is different and for that reason my interest was peeked in the beginning. Most of the assignments were relevant and helped in brainstorming ideas, outlining papers, and learning the interests of classmates. There is this odd sense of bonding and friendship with classmates by using a blog and having to post comments.

Two blog posts that stand out to me as the most interesting included the music post and ideas for our first paper. When people voiced their personal opinion, commenting was a lot easier. The longer the posts, the less I read. The shorter-the better. I felt like this addition to the class added another outlet for writing. It didn't replace the papers, but it allowed us to write to a different audience. While I found myself hurrying to comment on others posts and, like others have said, the comments were a little forced, the outcome of the blog was still beneficial.

I feel a sense of camaraderie with my English 150 classmates that only comes from using the blog together - not because we've seen each other in class 3 days a week for the last few months.

1 comment:

  1. I love the song blog post too! I think that was the best post to get a feel for each person.
