Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Blog Evaluation

Upon the completion of this semester, I found the class blog to be a very helpful and fun to use tool. It allowed me to post my own opinions on how to write and revise the papers that we have written as well as receive feedback from others. Through the blog, I was able to understand people's opinions better. By reading other's posts, I received advice on how to go about writing or revising my papers. I also was enlightened by different ideas that I would have never thought of myself. I enjoyed how easy the blog works--the format, the user-friendliness, and for the New Media Classroom link to help us understand what we needed to do. I liked the comment system and how others could comment on your own posts. However, I feel that some posts were not really that important or relevant, such as the song lyrics. Besides this, the blog was a great tool. It was especially helpful to submit some of our drafts and paragraphs of our writing onto the blog in order to get peer feedback as well as to help discipline me to get parts done at a time. While it was a bit impersonal to communicate through comments, it was still an efficient and simple way to do so. Publicizing my thoughts to the class helped me with refining my writing. Overall, I enjoyed the blog and would encourage that it be continued for future classes.


  1. I was also surprised at how easy blogging was. I had never done it before, and was a little nervous as to how complicated it would be, but it turned out to be a really easy way to "turn in" assignments.

  2. Here's a question for you Katie, knowing how easy it is, are you going to keep doing it?

  3. Kendrick, when I realized how easy blogging was, I used blogs to publish my paper. Personally, I wouldn't want to create a blog about me. Way too personal. The Internet is open to everyone and I couldn't do it...but I see your point.

  4. I agree with Lindsay, I like the blogs and all but I wouldn't want to make one for my personal life. Especially after doing our issues paper, I found all this info on new media and how people can find out so many things about you and I just rather stick to facebook (something a little more simple).

    Scott- I like how this blog was useful for you to understand others opinions, because I feel the same way as well. Although it is small class, I feel like we all don't really know each other and this blog site helped us understand or know a little about the person in our class.
