Wednesday, September 9, 2009

A couple FINALLY decides to get married but a funeral & Helmets

Claim #1:
A couple decides to get married right after their 7-year old sons funeral, because it will fulfill his wish. He died after a horrible car accident, to me this is unacceptable because it took you that long to get married? It would of been better at least if the son was alive to witness it and they could have performed the ceremony, at the hospital so he could see it. I mean it was for the son, right?

Claim #2:
I've seen many people on campus or off campus ride their moped, motorcycle, and bike. One thing I noticed is that either they were wearing a helmet and some weren't. I think that a helmet law should be in forced, it will increase the chances of survival in a crash and safer for the rider.


  1. People's prides and selfishness tend to get in the way till something dramatic happens.

  2. I agree with you Alex, it always has to be something life changing in order for someone to actually see the value in life, or anything in that sense.

  3. As unfortunate as that makes you wonder if they did it to justify not doing it for so long, and now that they have done it if it will last...

  4. oh and I had always wondered about the helmet law here in UT...I would have thought that was required by ANY state!

  5. Maybe it would have been nice for them to have done it while the boy was still here, but I bet the view was pretty good from heaven too. If I were to pass, I would want it to open my loved ones' eyes and bring them together. It's a shame to hear of stories where families cannot quite function after the death of one of its members. If I were the boy, I would be glad it bonded rather the unraveled.
