Thursday, September 10, 2009

Popular Vote

Opinion Editorial:
Popular Vote

I would like to begin this Opinion editorial with a question to the readers. Name off to yourself the “popular” kids in your high school class. I know you know them. And to those of you who were the popular kids, do not stop reader, it is not bashing you. Back to the question at hand, after you named off those popular kids, forget about them and try to remember the kids you personally knew that hung around them. The ones that hoped the aura that radiated off the big timers would rub off on them and increase their own likability. Then while they are with you, they are completely a different person. Now, this paper is not one to bash the popular kids, but the concept that when people around are popularity they would change the way they talk, act and ultimately their thoughts and beliefs to impress the popular rule.
The table in the middle of the lunchroom was reserved for popularity, where they can be heard and seen easily. The center stage. Those who hold the right to sit there are usually seen and heard. Who would not want that? We all want to share our ideas and be recognized. That is why I am writing this opinion editorial, I want to be heard. And I am sure that after some of you read this, you sure would like to be heard as well. Though the only way you could get the most attention is center stage. Although, before you can enter, you must become part of the group. In the United States today, popular demand asks for you to release your dogmatic views and to embrace the changing of society and support it as well. To have a belief in anything automatically lowers your ranking in the world of popularity rules. Though change is not bad, in fact it is essential for life and people, but to lose the right to hold a personal belief because it is against popular culture is ironic.
Coming from a suburb in Seattle, WA, I can tell you the popular kids have full reign of the not so popular kids there. They have the right to hold their opinions, but when I share my own opinion, the attacks start coming. From attacks on the belief to personal attacks, it all comes out like a bursting dam. Popularity rules again. Even though I am using the liberal side as the “bad” guy, please understand it works both ways. People have opinions, they do have the right to hold and share them. But when that opinion starts hurting other people directly, indirectly, physically, and worse off, morally, that is when it gets too far.
J First Opinion paper! YAY


  1. I don't think it's good to tell your audience that your writing an opinion editorial. They know that. I think you should leave out the line about "I'm going to start with a question." Just do it.

  2. I'm not quite sure what you are arguing. popularity? or integrity? I think it's a little too much of an assumption to say those who are popular don't have integrity.

  3. It seems like a very intriguing topic. Just maybe instead of having such a long introduction, put a personal experience or anecdote in the body. To put some humor and life into, so the reader doesn't feel attacked.
