Tuesday, September 8, 2009


The claim that coca cola made that coke will not make children fat or rot their teeth was a hot topic in australia when Coca Cola put ads up with Australian actress Kerry Armstrong saying that coke was "kiddy safe." They were trying to combat perceptions that Coke was packed with large amounts of caffeine, which it is. Coke said they were trying to bring the truths about Coke out, while in the same sentence they were basically lying throuh their teeth just to get more money.


My claim: students should be able to ride bikes on campus due to the fact that some students have classes back to back and only have ten minutes to get to the class. Students should either be able to ride bikes during passing period or make the passing periods longer.


  1. I agree with your claim. It doesn't make sense that bikes are allowed and there are bike racks, yet students cannot ride their bikes to classes.

  2. Oh such is the life of modern advertising. How far can we stretch the truth? I was watching an old McDonalds ad and it was cute and wholesome. No stretching the truth. Oh How I miss the good old days.

  3. Expanding on your comment: how much do we justify a lie until it is accepted as truth? It's all an advertising scheme. They want to make something desirable (such as a coke) seem harmless, no consequences. I think that is how Satan thwarts our common sense thinking.

  4. Just to go along with Scotts comment, and my own, they should put more bike racks in various places of campus. I was coming from a class earlier this morning but was late because I couldnt find a rack close to the building, and when I did find one it was basically all full.

  5. It really bothers me when companies straight up lie just to get more business. It's becoming more and more of a problem. I think it's safe to say that this might be some of the reason why obesity is such an issue in America, (among other things) is that we don't fully realize what we are putting into our bodies.

  6. Companies lying just goes to prove that we, as consumers, need to do our research. Like the people that hold McDonalds accountable for their weight gain, did they ever bother reading the nutritional facts offered to them. I do not agree with companies making false claims in advertising, it actually drives me crazy, but if we do not do our part to become informed then it is partly our fault to suffer the consequence.

  7. Well the point that should be made is that what they are doing is basically illegal and they should be punished for it. If they dont get punished they are never going to change. Since when is lying to your customers a good way to get money? Companies and pretty much everything else is messed up these days.
