Thursday, September 10, 2009

Opinion Editorial

At the end of summer I found out how completely out of control our state is. Do you want to know what they are out of control about? It is probably one of the last things that should be a problem among us seeing as it has to do with our education.
The major problem that we are facing here in the state is the huge rivalry between the universities of BYU and Utah. You might not think that it is that big of a problem, but then again you probably have not read that much about the two schools and their competing programs. Most would say that competition is good and that is what makes each other do better, and I would completely agree. But when you start stirring up hate at Schools where you are supposed to be focused on education, that is crossing the line for me.
The sad thing is that it is not the people who actually compete against each other that have the hate, but those on the sidelines who might not have anything to do at a specific event. The hate first started with athletics, but has moved rapidly into different education programs. This hate is tearing people down and the state apart. That is not what education is supposed to be about.


  1. I totally agree. We need to focus on education and not a rivalry. I think that it may because there is no NFL team to cheer on.

  2. Maybe it's ok to share a bitter rivalry through athletics, such as football, but when this bitterness enters the realm of academics, things can become unfair.
