Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Let's see what I can knock out...

Ok so here is what I figure I need to do...
1. solidify exactly what logos I want to use in my paper...make sure its good...and analyze it.
2. Focus on counter arguments. Be concerned with what the reader thinks so that I can make my paper that much better.
3. knock out what's unneccessary...that could be all of it:)
4. Be more concise...try using smaller words instead of long phrases. parallel writing, and sentence rearranging.
5. Make it an easy read!
6. Keep it short and sweet.
7. double check my support (logos, pathos, and ethos)


  1. I like what you said about being concise. I think sometimes as writers we want to sound more intelligent than we are, so we beef up our writing. In my journalism class in high school, I learned that usually the opposite it true. So good for you to shrink your writing. :)

  2. Emily I agree! Sometimes that's my problem. But when reading, I have found that concise writing is the most enjoyable to read, so I'm working on that in my paper too.

  3. I agree with Emily as well, sometimes a little is more.

  4. So true, short and sweet. If you sound too official, people will just skip to the comics.

  5. Yeah that's a good idea, I like that of not sounding "too offiial".

  6. I agree. If it is too long, the reader loses interest. I need to work on this as well.

  7. thanks guys! nice to know I am not thinkin crazy here... I will do my best, hopefully none of you will have to read it:)
