Thursday, September 24, 2009


The song I chose to post is "Mouthwash" by Kate Nash. The tempo to this song makes you want to get up and dance. The lyrics go right along side; emphasizing the importance to be who you are with no apologies for imperfections or quirks. The opening line, "this is my face, covered in freckles, with the occasional spot and some veins," describes me, which is probably why I kept listening the first time I heard it.

My favorite line of the song: "This is my brain, its torturous analytical thoughts make me go insane." Kate expresses what many of us feel with the thoughts we have about anything and everything. Ultimately the lyrics and music show how important it is to be you - regardless of anyone or anything else. Whether you're "singin' at home on a friday night," and whether you use floss or mouthwash.


  1. That sounds like my kind of song. Those are the kind of lyrics that I would relate to. That is what got me to listen to Taylor Swift's "You Belong with Me"

  2. OK I LOVE Kate Nash! Lots of her music is that way,telling you to be original, to be yourself and I love that about her. Her music kind of gives you the confidence to be like, yeah, I could do that! I am way glad you chose this song because it's fun to see how even this style has things like pathos in it. Great choice:)

  3. I enjoy music that just makes you want to get up and dance. That kind of music just motivates you to do something. I also like the message of this song.

  4. I like how it makes you think about yourself, and how you have similar things and that it's okay. And that you need to just accept it.

    When I listened to it I didn't really see it as a song that I would get up and dance to but one that I would listen to as I was walking down the street or driving my car.
