Sunday, October 4, 2009

Going to theTop of the food chain

For my specific topic, I decided it would be best if I contacted an administrator of the school directly. So I emailed my paper to President Samuelson's office. I was pretty happy with what I had to share. Sure there were a few mistakes in it I am sure, but i am only human so those mistakes are going to happen. Although I have not heard back yet, I am looking forward to gaining comments in the return message.


  1. Way proud of you! I was too chicken to do it:) but more power to you. Do you think that they will respond?

  2. Agreeing with Mindy again... I would be way scared to do that too! But good for you. Go big or go home :)

  3. Oh wow!!!! I give you props!! I was considering sending mine to the HCO but decided not to. Yeah, do you think they will respond? What do you think they will have to say?

  4. I like your confidence that you have. It is amazing what we can do in life with just a little bit of confidence, even if we are human and make mistakes. Good job! :)

  5. Always time to repent Emily... haha, send it to the HCO, i triple dog dare you

  6. Wow, that is really cool, going along with what everyone else has said, it takes a lot of guts. When do you think they will respond and what do you think they will say?

  7. I hope you get your response because it takes a lot of courage to send it, and I wonder what they'll say?
