Thursday, October 29, 2009


Part 1:
Something that surprised me: that people have actually done research on this subject. Video games are fairly new to the world and yet tests and social studies have been done.

Part 2:
Computer games are detrimental to a persons social health in that face to face interactions are cut off for long periods of time.

Computer games have positive effects and are just like the 'real world' in that the same rules of social activity are needed to be a functional persona who can make friends in 'social games.'

Social gaming, is a double edge sword.

I think I will take the 2nd or 3rd argument. Rather, it might have a more positive feel than a passive one.

Part 3:

1. Antecedence and consequence - People in this debate are arguing the effects of social gaming, and the only way to see the effects of social gaming are to see the consequences of playing a social computer game than living a social life.
2. Like the above, the cause and effect of video games.
3. Science lab - the use of studies on how people's social lives have actually been affected by the use of social video games.
4. Differences - how people who play social video games and people who life a social life differ in their interactions in a social event.


  1. I know what you mean about being surprised at how much there is. I figured there would be a lot of opinions and stuff online, but there are actual scholarly journals dedicated to these topics. I never realized how much research goes on all over the place, all the time, about everything.

  2. If I was writing on your topic, I would find it easier to focus on that first argument, that computer games are detrimental. It seems logical that being cooped up in a room playing fictional role playing games will negatively affect your social behaviour. But that's just me.

  3. I think that in the large scale of things, yes, video games have not been out very long. But video games are actually quite old, relative to how fast technology is blossoming. Along with what Scott said, I think video games have negatives effects that greatly outweigh the positives. Given, I am biased towards not playing video games anyway. Scott, I think it's interesting that you made that comment because I'm sure you've played video games more than I have so you know more than I do. I am really interested in reading all these papers because they are very real-life issues we have today.

  4. I agree with Scott, and I'm sure we've all met someone who is a little bit strange or violent because of their video game habits.

  5. I agree with the comments above, I know people that play games for hours and aren't doing to good in school. They can stay in their room for a long time without social contact.

  6. I believe that more people would disagree with you that video games are beneficial for people who play them. There are of course statistics that say they are good for you and people would be less likely to agree and thus your paper would make more people think.

  7. I agree with Scott, I think one of the computer games that really is detrimental, is World of Warcraft. People slowly let themselves sink into these habit of playing this game constantly that they care more about the game then about themselves.
