Friday, October 30, 2009

Discovery Research

Part 1: Something in my research that surprised me or was a "discovery" for me is that, about cyber bullying, girls are mostly affected by it, kids starting from sixth and grade up have been victims of cyber bullying, or they were the bully.

Part 2: New media gives the chance for anyone to get on the internet and harass someone through the internet. They can do it through major social websites, or chat rooms. Anyone can become a victim of cyber bullying. It may not seem like a big deal to people, but when you see on the news that someone commits suicide, because of cyber bullying it becomes an issue. Also want to write about how it usually effects people in all ages, but mostly focus on the affects it has on teens and teenagers.

Part three:
Cause/effect: Harassment, humiliation, embarrassment causes teens and teenagers to want to remove themselves from that place or situation. It will make someone not enjoy life, and possibly kill themselves.
Statistics: Teens and teenagers are more likely to become victims of cyber bullying and new media is what influences it.
Authority: I want to find something from the psychology department, that explains how bullies get to the person in psychological way.
Testimonial: I have found that parents really want to do something about this, because it starts off as a small problem and if not stopped can lead to something terrible.


  1. I found some pretty interesting things on this in my research of how new media is effecting teens. Very interesting and depressing. It definitely shows the down side of new media. It would be interesting to study the types of people who are bullied. How often they are on the internet and what types of things they publish on the internet.

  2. This is a very true and scary issue. I just heard about a kid on the news that had taken his life because he was being bullied through texting or some media related medium. I think your topic will produce a goodn research paper.

  3. I totally agree with Zach. This will make a great research paper. Did you hear about the lady that got arrested because she cyberbullied her daughter's friend who later ended up killing herself. I don't remember the outcome, but it sounds like a great issue.
