Saturday, October 24, 2009

Publishing my article

Knowing that I was going to publish my article didn't effect what I wrote. I already had that mind set, so it didn't need to be changed too much. I posted my article as a note on facebook. Only one person commented. I think the subject of the article was intimidating, because who really cares about an analysis on planning a wedding magazine? I thought more people would read and comment, but I guess not! I think the length was intimidating. Maybe if it was shorter, and on a different subject it would have been read more. I think my audience was artificial. I don't know anyone getting married, or else I think it would have been different.


  1. I agree. that was a problem that I had. It was too long for someone on facebook to want to read.

  2. I agree with both of you, i didn't put mine on facebook, but i think generally these are just a little too long and academic to be a easy read for the audiences we have access to.

  3. Well put Kendrick. I took a journalism class in high school, and the writing style is totally different for a real audience, rather than just an academic paper.

  4. I agree with everyone, and i also think that the fact it was about planning a wedding must have pushed most of the guys away. And all your friends on facebook are probably not quite there yet. So I understand why you wouldn't get too many responses. Then again I didn't either and mine was not on weddings.

  5. I think its the length that intimidates people, because people read all sorts of posts, just the length gets to them for some reason.
