Monday, October 26, 2009

Rhetorical Publishing

I decided to share it with my friends from out of town, and my family members. Most of my friends are girls, so they enjoyed my analysis. My parents were just proud that I was kind enough to share with them, just kidding, they enjoyed my paper. I was pretty content with my paper and I'm glad that everyone else did too, or at least my family members and friends.


  1. I think that's insightful that you largely choose to share your analysis with the same audience held by the text you were analyzing (the Dove Campaign).

  2. Agreed. And I really liked the video. I suppose more girls would like it rather than boys:) And parents are the best, because they usually always say they're proud of their children. My mom doesn't know how to post comments on a blog, but she was sure to tell me she liked my analysis.

  3. I agree that it was a good idea to share it with mostly girls, but I think it would be interesting to show it to guys to see what they think about it. Sometimes it's hard to tell how men feel about this subject.

  4. Showing your analysis to the right audience is key. Otherwise the person reading your paper will not care about the topic and probably won't read the entire paper.
