Sunday, October 4, 2009

Ping Pong: The Forbidden Love

I sent my opinion editorial to the BYU housing through email. Though, as of now, they have not responded. But, I gave my opinion editorial to my roommate and some of my hall mates and they totally agreed with my position. They said that we really do need ping pong tables, and that they did not even use the pool tables that much. They liked my argument using Sept 11. but some thought it was a little weird to compare such a drastic thing with ping pong.


  1. I am kind of interested to know what your comparison was with ping pong tables, pool tables, and September 11th. But maybe I will hear about it being brought up with housing because I work with management...I let you know if they say anything worthwhile ;)

  2. I'm with Mindy- I'd like to hear how you compared September 11th to ping pong? Did that offend anyone or did they just find it weird?

  3. Just add me to the list, i'm curious now. you might need to post part of it on here
