Thursday, October 1, 2009

Inconvenient Price tag- facebook link

An Inconvenient Price Tag

Reading a students comment that BYU tuition is too generous and should be raised to the average cost of other universities and instead use tithing funds to be used for more important things brought me to the conclusion that this student must be financially stable enough to pay more. Using tithing for other purposes like aid to 3rd world countries or the construction of more church buildings would be great, but unfortunately, not everyone has the luxury of being able to afford to pay more . Students at BYU come from all walks or life and both sides of the spectrum. We have students that are children to Wall Street successful business men and others who are here in the hope of achieving there own American dream. I know that BYU is an institution that is worth much more than what we pay for it, but increasing tuition would mainly affect the lower income students.

As a first generation Latina college student in my family, I didn't have the means for my parents to pay for my college tuition. I had to apply for a grant or otherwise I would have had to take out a loan to cover all of my expenses. Now that I am actually at BYU, I feel like there are more expenses than were calculated for. Now I know that not everybody can relate to this, but there are the ones who can. Put yourself in their shoes, and realize that most of these students, like myself, didn't have parents who bought Disney Stocks when were young as an investment or had a college fund.

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