Thursday, November 5, 2009

Thesis and Source Map

Part I:
Thesis: In today's world, file sharing and the digital downloading of music via the Internet is rapidly growing and becoming more widely accepted. According to some, this practice weakens the record industries and breaks copyright laws because these downloads are free and able to be shared among different Internet users. However, file sharing should be acceptable because of its undeniable popularity and extreme convenience.

Part II:
Source Map:

I. Background Information on File Sharing and Record Industries
A) how file sharing networks operate and how they are organized (Ripeanu, Matei)
B) history of record industries, their properties, goals, laws, etc (Hurst, Walter E.)
C) record industries and their struggles during lawsuits (Cooper, Charles)

II. Background Information on Copyright Laws
A) copyright infringement and file sharing (Sharma, Amol)
B) actual judicial reference on the penalties of copyright inringement (United States.Congress)

III. File Sharing Users' Views
A) justifications of participating in downloading free music (MarkJ)
B) how file sharing users' behavior impacts CD sales (Grossman, Lev)
C) how file sharing users affect record companies (

IV. Issue of File Sharing in Conjunction with CD Sales
A) how record companies can fight against rampant online downloading (Greenblatt, Alan)
B) ratio of people who download free music vs. those who buy CDs (Oberholzer, Felix)
1. Give reference to statistics behind this issue

V. Illegality of Certain File Sharing and Online Piracy
A) lagging efforts to stop popular online piracy (Alan, Smith D.)
B) government intervention to help stop online piracy (Sandoval, Greg)

VII. Legal File Sharing
A) how file sharing networks can refrain from copyright infringement (Von Lohmann, Fred)
1. purchasing music via the Internet (i.e: iTunes)

VIII. Conclusion
A) future of the record industry (Greenblatt, Alan)
B) population of those who participate in file sharing-growing or decreasing?
C) whether or not the government can stop illegal file sharing
D) whether or not to allow for downloading free music or not


  1. Alan Greenblatt, in his article "Future of the Music Industry," asserts that "the widespread availability of music that can be downloaded for free off the Internet has decimated sales of compact discs in recent years" and he goes on to estimate that this has "[amounted] to hundreds of millions of dollars of losses."

  2. Paraphrased version of above quotation:
    The sheer popularity and convenience of downloading music online without having to purchase it negatively affects the financial well-being of cd-selling companies.
