Wednesday, December 2, 2009

blogging on blogger

I had never blogged before the beginning of this class and I see what I missed out on. It worked because it was an outlet for ideas, a place where I can see what my ideas are. However, the comments given by other people were subpar. I found that people just commented just to say something, rather than give help or reasoning to what I was writing on. I found that I did the same thing when I was lazy. It was an effective way of learning because it was a reflection technique it makes me think about what I am doing or just did. However, in the end, the blog was a glorified assignment. If the blog had more feedback, or more constructive feedback, it would have been better.


  1. I agree Alex with your comment that sometimes the comments that were posted were not very useful and I am guilty of it as well.

  2. So comments are a problem, anyone have suggestions to how they can become better?

  3. What part? The fact that they are often useless comments? Or the fact that you had to wait for other people to commment on your on your posts before you can actually complete the assignment?
    To make them better comments people would actually have to care more than just recieving a grade, which you cannot realisticly expect. People will want to just complete it as fast as possible for the grade. Truly their is not much you can do but change everyone's attitude.

  4. Alex, you make a good point. A lot of us have been mentioning that the commenting usually wasn't helpful, and I've been trying to think of a way that they could be... It's challenging, because when the comments are required for points, we tend to just get them done for the grade, but if they aren't required for points, it seems like no one would do them. :/

  5. Well... I believe that people CAN change! Or maybe both Tannen and Katie's point are rock solid. This assignment is just for the grade. So typing this, I guess I will retract my question as well.

  6. To all of the above - I think we can all agree that the most popular blogs are the ones that are the most interesting to read. So if you want comments - make your post unique in some way.

  7. sometimes i take a while to make a comment because i want to say something insightful, but more often than not i end up being late on my comments because I never ended up thinking of anything

  8. I am totally guilty in writing non helpful comments. Most of the time it was just because I forgot to comment that day so I did it really fast before I went to bed. Then I was just writing to get it done. Maybe to fix this , the comments should be due the same day the post is due. This way the post gets done faster and people will actually have to comment and get it done.
